Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Payments Meta Blog

My good buddy Scott Loftesness, Founder and CEO of Glenbrook Partners (http://www.glenbrook.com/) a payments strategy consulting firm in THE Bay Area, does some pretty neat things with the distribution of news, updates, information and opinions in the payments business. His personal blog (http://www.sjl.us/) reveals as much of a renaissance man as you're going to find these days -- recipes, personal photography, his world travels and some interesting reading lists, too.

His creativity most recently revealed itself in a helpful tool I call the meta blog, a highly networked feed to more than 25 payments related blogs. Check it out at www.paymentsnews.com/otherblogs-2.html. As always, some (many?) posts are not much more than personal opinion and unsubstantiated rhetoric; others contain insightful, provocative content. Enjoy. And nice work, Scott.